Monday, October 27, 2008

The synchronous tool that I explored on the web was  This tool can be beneficial to the teacher as well as the student.  Once you set up an account at, you can become a virtual tutor for students all over the world.  I know this is supposed to be a professional site for educators, but I thought that when creating your personal profile, the site asked for too much information.  You could include what state exam you took, which certifications you have, how much education you have in your field of work etc.  It is optional to include all of this information, however I always feel wary about giving so much information about myself.

More than a classroom tool, I believe teachers can use this site for their own professional development.  You can connect with other teachers from around the world based on your interests.  You can also read and listen to presentations given by both teachers and students that relate to your interests.  As a teacher, you can download these powerpoint presenations and use them in your classrooms.  I found informational presentations on the Incan Empire and The Spanish Explorers just by typing in Spanish as one of my interests.

I am not sure if I would use this site with my students.  I would have to become more familar with the site first.  However, I would use this site to communicate and collaborate with other teachers, especially teachers who are native speakers of Spanish.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Sara:

I am Vikrama Dhiman, Product Manager with WiZiQ. I would be happy to walk you through how to use WiZiQ. Please let me know a convenient date and time. You can reach me at support at wiziq dot com

Thanks for the blog post. We have covered this on our blog too.


Vikrama Dhiman